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發表於 2021-11-3 17:11:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

AAITF,英文全称為“Automotive Aftermarket Industry and 微晶瓷,Tuning Trade Fair ”,中文全称為“汽車改装辦事業博览會”。


截止2021年5月,AAITF展會已乐成举行21届,历經十五载二十一届的成长和堆增粗增大壯陽藥,集,展會范围逐年扩展, 展會职位地方和影响力均在行業前列。


In 2022, the 22nd Shenzhen International Automotive Modification Services Exhibition is in progress, the exhibition visit online registration, view the exhibition overview, exhibition schedule, exhibition time, exhibition location, exhibition scope, organizers, exhibitors and other details. The 22nd Shenzhen International Automotive Modification Services Exhibition in 2022 will be held at Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center in 2022/3/5, looking forward to your visit!

AAITF, known in English as "Automotive Aftermarket Industry and Tuning Trade Fair", Chinese is known as the Automotive Retrofit Services Exhibition.

AAITF is positioned to build "China's automotive after-market trade platform of the entire industrial chain" professional exhibition, its predecessor is the combination of domestic and foreign trade exhibition of automotive supplies, since the first held in April 2006, has been held 20 times. The organizers of the exhibition is Guangzhou Kyushu Tasus Exhibition Co., Ltd., as well as a number of automotive supplies chambers in Guangdong, known by the industry as "China's automotive after-market industry weather vane", the industry gave 化痰信用卡換現金,茶,the "wind vane" four meanings, one is early to carry out, two is large-scale, three is more new products, four is high quality buyers.

By May 2021, AAITF Exhibition has been successfully held 21 sessions, after 15 years and 21 sessions of development and accumulation, the scale of the exhibition expanded year by year, the status and influence of the exhibition are in the forefront of the industry.

The prosperity continues to be brilliant, AAITF will use Shenzhen set research and development manufacturing and scientific and technological innovation as one of the intelligent electronics industry base, and near Hong Kong, high international awareness advantages, for AAITF exhibitors to broaden development support, so that based in Shenzhen, fac呼啦圈,ing the whole country, to the world, bigger and stronger.

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